CARF's Money Advisers are Here for You

Date published: 18th August 2020

Citizens Advice & Rights Fife have a team of specialised Money Advisers who can help you with budgeting, dealing with creditors and collection companies and guiding you through options to deal with debt, including the Debt Arrangement Scheme and Bankruptcy.

COVID19 has resulted in most debt collection activities and court action being put on hold; however, as restrictions change, some creditors have started to send letters again and in some situations cases that had already begun in Court before lockdown have restarted.

Measures limiting or even ceasing debt collection activities has been helpful in giving people who are struggling with debts and bills breathing space.  However we would advise that you do not wait until these have ended before seeking advice to deal with any debt or money issues you are experiencing.

There is usually a high demand and waiting time for CARF's money advice team, but this is currently shorter than usual as a result of creditor forbearance.

If you would like more advice on dealing with your debt or bills please contact the Money Advice team on 03451 400 094, Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 4pm.

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